Why Matzah?
Levi gives Adam a fluffy, sugary - er, flat Matzah!
This just might change all your childhood beliefs about Passover…
Cardboard. Flat cracker. Tasteless. Dry.
It carries many names, and none of them would make it on the front cover of your best selling Passover cookbook.
Which begs the question: If Passover is all about celebrating our freedom, why does it center around this dry, flat, slavery filled bread?
The Lubavitcher Rebbe gives a brilliant explanation:
Slavery actually never ended with the Exodus. For that matter, it never began.
The grand plan of our 210 years of Hilton-less vacation in Egypt, was never to enslave a nation, it was to give us the tools to help change the world, to make it a place where G-D would feel comfortable enough to call it His Home.
Unfortunately, those Egyptian taskmasters did a real great job of depriving us, that our task became nigh impossible.
So G-D whisked us away to freedom. He decided that we did our time and now it was on to search for the next country that could use a little helping hand.
Which brings us to 2022. And that Matzah.
Our job continues till today. Look around your city: do you see a culture that worships G-D, and not money?
If the answer is money, it’s time to get to work.
Or rather, finish your work. That Matzah is waiting to rise.
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